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See the horrors of the Iraq War [Photos]

The Dhaka Times Desk At the beginning of this century, the horrors of war that the world has seen include the Afghanistan war and the Iraq war. But the horrors of the Iraq war to the humanity of the world are beyond words. Today we present some heart touching pictures of Iraq War for The Dhaka Times which will once again show you the devastation of war.


Exactly what prompted the sudden US President George W. Bush and coalition forces to invade Iraq remains a mystery. First, they claim that Iraq is building weapons of mass destruction in violation of the 1991 treaty and that they have a stockpile of such weapons. However, after the invasion of Iraq, inspectors went to Iraq and found no weapons of mass destruction. However, other ulterior motives for the invasion have been shown to include financial support for the families of Palestinian suicide bombers, human rights abuses by the Iraqi government, the establishment of democracy, and the acquisition of Iraq's oil resources. However, the US authorities have denied the latest reason. US coalition forces occupied Iraq and attempted to establish a democratic government there. But soon after the invasion, violence broke out against coalition forces and between various pro-Iraqi factions.

Refugees are leaving the Iraqi city of Kirkuk. Photo taken on March 18, 2003 by Chang W. Lee.


An Iraqi child jumps over a row of dead bodies. The photo was taken by Marco Di Lauro.


An Iraqi prisoner covered in a black mask. He would be taken shortly afterwards to the infamous Abu Ghraib prison. So, like the last time, he caressed the child's forehead. Photographed by Jean-Marc Bouju.

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An old woman is sitting. But a car bomb exploded nearby. This battle turned him into stone. Photo by Ghaith Abdul-Ahad.


5-year-old Samar Hasan killed his parents in front of his eyes. Samar's cry melts the stone. The mind of the soldier did not melt. Photo by Chris Hondros.


The emotional cry of the son after getting his father back. This photo was taken by an Iraqi journalist named Khalid Mohammed.


US soldiers and Iraqi girls. War vs Peace. Photo: Hyoung Chang.


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