The Dhaka Times
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The 7 changes that teenagers go through at the beginning of puberty

The Dhaka Times Desk When a teenager enters his adolescence or young adulthood, he is faced with a variety of physical and emotional sensations. This is a strange experience. He spends his days and nights with a tingling sensation in his body. Today we will learn about the 7 changes that teenagers undergo at the beginning of puberty.


Mood becomes rough:

At this time the teenager became worried about himself. Do not know what complex disease he is suffering from! This thought makes him restless and hides himself and his temper becomes rough. He gets angry a little. His angry behavior is visible to everyone.

Wants to sleep a lot:

He wants to sleep a lot. He wants to take possession of the princess while sleeping. He wants to float in the seven heavens. And as hormones continue to change. So he feels tired a lot. As a result, he gets sleepy and wants to sleep very much.

The world's forbidden world tugs at his thoughts:

Because in our society sex and women related matters are taboo. So his thoughts run towards those prohibitions. He wants to know himself. He wants to know everything about his body. His thoughts are then the city of the body and the senses.

Women bring new dimensions to an adolescent's thinking at the onset of puberty:

He learns to see the woman he has seen for so long in a new way. A new form unfolded before his eyes. Not only mothers, not sisters; He began to feel the need for another new relationship. The world of his infinite love began to shift elsewhere. He wants to know the woman very deeply.

Feeling guilty:

He starts to feel guilty. He may have become Satan or Satan has possessed him. Otherwise, why would it happen to him! Why would he like to think about a woman's body? Why will his thoughts and needs change like this? He suffers from a kind of guilt. Find a way out. Disappointing not getting.

Deviant Behavior:

When he cannot handle the changes in his body and mind. Because our society tells us to suppress this body and mind. And he doesn't know what to do. He can't find anyone to tell. His age makes everyone his enemy. As a result, he does some deviant behavior. Maybe lie for no reason. Things like hurting someone can also occur in him.

Wants to fall in love:

As he realizes he is not complete alone. Its entirety is elsewhere. So he wants to fall in love. He wants to love someone with everything. Some fall terribly in love without realizing it. Then silently cry like helpless. Many do not have the courage to express that love. Many again became extremely brave. He does not stop doing anything he cannot do for love.

Adolescence is a very difficult time for a teenager. As parents, we should provide emotional services to him. We should help him to come out of his mental turmoil.

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