The Dhaka Times
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16 years of a young woman chained in a bamboo tree!

The Dhaka Times Desk A young woman was chained to a bamboo tree for 16 years. This medieval and inhuman incident happened in India. After knowing the incident, the administration was shocked. The young woman was admitted to the hospital.

Bamboo Thicket captured 16 years

An insane young woman was kept in chains for 16 years by her family. Neighbors and residents are also calm. Everyone is shocked to know how a man was kept in chains for 16 years. After the news spread that she was chained naked in the bamboo grove for 16 years, the administration was shaken. The police rescued the young woman and admitted her to a local hospital. Police are investigating the matter. The young woman's family does not even see it. Neighbors were silent for a long time knowing everything. Incidents of medieval barbarism created a stir throughout India. When this news was published in the newspapers, the administration was shaken. They have now started an investigation.

This incident took place at Bamangola Block, about 70 km from Malda city. The young woman was kept imprisoned in a bamboo grove in West Para of Madnavati Panchayat there. The young lady has studied up to the eighth standard of the local Nalagola High School. A sudden urge to bite him. In panic, his family initially locked him in the house. But as the young woman started digging the soil inside the house, her family did not take any risk. Unable to pay for the treatment, the daughter of the house was chained to a bamboo tree in the neighborhood.

That teenage student of that day is a young woman of thirty-one today. Even though the family gives them two meals a day, the young woman does not always eat. Panchayat head Tapati Murmu said that he was not aware of this incident. If he knew, he could have taken action.

Hearing the news of such a barbaric story, thousands of people gathered in that area. The hospital is also crowded to see the young woman. Hospital authorities therefore had to take additional measures. The big question for everyone is whether the administration will really wake up? Will this neglected young woman be released?

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