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1000 to 2000 Tk Fashionable Best Brand Punjabi for Eid

The Dhaka Times Desk Happy Eid came back after the year! And like every year this time also on the occasion of Eid Today's Deal Brings a unique collection of fashionable Punjabis for men of all ages. Choose your favorite colors and designs from numerous Punjabis. You can now buy your favorite panjabi at home! Ordered on the phone, the panjabi came home, it was nice to see, but you bought it with money. In this case you don't have to pay any money in advance.


Ajkerdeal prioritizes comfortable fabrics and fancy designs in its Punjabi selection. Punjabi will get a new dimension this Eid because it is Eid in summer. When everyone is thinking of taking Punjabi in Eid fashion, why are you lagging behind? On the occasion of the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr, here are some interesting Punjabis that will be available on Ajkerdeal. Let us know how to buy online Read this article.

1) Fashion House POPS This Punjabi has brought. Punjabi is suitable for young to middle aged men. You can read with jeans or churidar.

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Fabric: Cotton, full body-blue, dark blue contrast at collar and opening. The price will be 1650 rupees. To buy panjabi online free orderClick here.

2) Civic Street Has quickly made a place among the youth of Dhaka. Get it on today's deal Civic Street Erstylish Short Punjabi. Made of 100% cotton fabric, this black punjabi can be worn with jeans or churidar. Long front opening in new style is characteristic of Punjabi.


This black panjabi is made of 100% cotton fabric. The price will be 1380 rupees. To buy panjabi online free order Click here.

3) Get today's deal Six Exclusively some Punjabi. This maroon colored panjabi has heavy embroidery work on the chest. The embroidery work on the sleeves gives the punjabi its uniqueness.


White top goes best with Dar. The price will be 2006 rupees. To buy panjabi online free order Click here.

4) This punjabi is designed in blue color and collar, sleeves are different B2in of A great Punjabi suit will suit the youth wonderfully.


The price is only 1350 Tk. Place free order online to buy panjabi from here

5) Six Exclusively some Punjabi. Heavy embroidery work on the chest of this Punjabi. The embroidery work on the sleeves gives the Punjabi its uniqueness.


Punjabi The price will be only 1916 rupees. If you like it, place a free order online to buy the panjabi from here

6) POPS Its Eid Punjabi EP006 Looks great. It can be an exceptional design Punjabi this Eid.


The price will be only 1750 rupees! You can buy at home, place free order online to buy panjabi from here

7) It is happening POPS Its exclusive Eid Punjabi EP008, this punjabi can be great for those who have weakness towards red color.


Punjabi The price has been kept only 1750 rupees. If you want you can order from home, order free online to buy panjabi from here Will reach home delivery.

Check out more Punjabi from the best brands that are fashionable on Eid Click here.

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