Windows 7 will be discontinued from next January

The Dhaka Times Desk Windows 7 is going to take the fate of Windows XP. From January 13, 2015, Microsoft will end all support for Windows 7. This means that no updates will be available for Windows 7 after that time.

If any security flaw is detected in Windows 7 after January 13, 2015, Microsoft will not do anything about it. This decision will apply to all versions of Windows 7. There is no doubt that common users will be affected by this decision. However, Microsoft will continue to provide the service until January 2014 for those businesses who are interested in getting this service beyond this time and can pay. Many businesses are upgrading their computer systems to Windows 7, not Windows 8, after Windows XP ends support. As a result, if support for Windows 7 is completely stopped at this moment, then Microsoft can be controversial. However, according to various technology blogs, considering the popularity of Windows 7, Microsoft may change this decision. Because January is not too late. Moreover, this service continued for 13 years in case of Windows XP. Therefore, it is assumed that this deadline may be extended.

But after reviewing various aspects, it can be said that the possibility of changing this decision is very low. Because Windows 8 has all the features of Windows 7. Which is known as desktop mode. By doing this it is possible to avoid the annoying aspects of Windows 8. But Windows 8 needs to attract more people to increase its customers. And this is the reason for this decision of Microsoft. Interestingly, Microsoft has also announced that support for Windows 8 and 8.1 will be discontinued after January 9, 2018.

From this it can be assumed that Microsoft is probably going to bring the next operating system codenamed Threshold next year. And if Microsoft works with the right plan, then Windows 8 will be replaced by Windows 9 as it happened with Windows Vista.

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This post was last modified on জুলাই ১৫, ২০১৪ 10:03 am

KA B Tohin

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