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Champion German football team gets a different reception at the airport after returning home [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk The German football team returned home today after winning the World Cup title. Bangladesh reached Berlin at 1 pm on Tuesday, the capital of Germany. Germany gave a different welcome to the country's heroes while on the plane.


More than 1 million Germans greeted German heroes at the Bandenburg Gate in Berlin. The stage was set at the Bandenburg Gate for Klossa-Müller-Lam-Gottsed. German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed the football heroes.


After 24 years, the Germans won the World Cup trophy again. This is their fourth title win. After the unification of East and West Germany, they won the World Cup for the first time. Therefore, the level of happiness is slightly higher for the people of Germany.


Post by FB Newswire.

The champions arrived in Berlin on a jumbo jet on Tuesday afternoon. After resting for a while at the hotel, everyone went to the Jan Sambardhana Mancha. There the newly won World Cup trophy is displayed to everyone.


The reception was attended by former three-time World Cup winning German football team members Beckenbauer, Luther Mathews, Paul Breitner and many other German legends including Klinsmann.

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