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Listen to Al-Zarwasa's account of the night of intense terror for the Palestinians

The Dhaka Times Desk The horrors of the war between Israel and Palestine cannot be described. A more stark picture of that horror emerges as Al Zarwasar's family recounts. As soon as the night came, an intense fear came over the family of Ala Al Jarwasa. They have to spend the night in pitch darkness with their wife, two children and other relatives despite having a lamp. Because the light of the searchlight of the fighter plane flying in the sky finds the innocent Palestinians.


Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Israel, with the help of its Western allies, has dyed Palestinian settlements with human blood. Before World War I, only a few thousand Jews lived as immigrants in this Palestinian state. But after the First World War, with the help of Western powers, Jews began to immigrate secretly to the Palestinian state. As a result, today's state of Israel. In order to establish the state of Israel, a suicide militant group called the Haganah was established in Palestine with the help of the British government during the Second World War. Whose job was to kill Palestinians by throwing suicide bombs in various markets, public gathering places and spread terror among them. And this is how the Jews slowly raised their heads inside the Palestinian state, and the state of Israel was created. Since then, the blood holocaust of Israeli ghouls began. Then how many more rivers of blood became but the western world and the Muslim world had no action to stop this flood of blood. In the meantime, the sound of heavy bombardments and mortars outside is tearing apart the inner soul of Al Zarwasa along with the residential house. Still in the urge to survive, Zarwasa ran to different parts of the building with his family for a little safe shelter. The bed on which Zarwasa's children used to sleep for so long while dreaming of olive trees, today they have to spend a terrible night by beating them. The image of the Gaza Strip emerges in the speech of the terrified Zarwasa. Many other families like the Zarwasa family have been spending sleepless nights since the Israeli attack on Gaza. Zarwasa's house is located a short distance from the house of a famous Hamas leader. And for this reason, every person in that area is in fear, thinking that while attacking the house of the Hamas leader, the Israeli forces attacked their house.

Smoke billows after Israeli air strikes in Gaza

The Israeli attack that started on July 8 has so far killed more than 150 Palestinians and injured nearly a thousand people. According to a UN report, Israel has fired more than 1,100 missiles and 100 shells in these days. More than three hundred and fifty houses were completely destroyed by shelling. Because of this, approximately two thousand Palestinians have been forced to leave as refugees in neighboring countries. America's friend Israel has denied all responsibility for attacks on Palestinian civilians. On the contrary, they claim, they carried out this attack to resist the attack of Hamas. Benjamin Netanyahu denied responsibility for the attack, but according to the United Nations, 77 percent of the casualties in Israeli attacks were civilians.

Constant airstrikes and mortar shells have taken away the normal way of life in Palestine. And for this reason, al-Zarwasa said, I never like the night. The night reminds me of many hardships. It is surprising but true that when the state of Israel was established in the Palestinian state in 1948, 20 out of the 50 countries of the current Muslim world recognized the state of Israel.

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