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See how people will look like after a hundred thousand years in the picture

The Dhaka Times Desk We can often determine our near future through scientific reasoning or get a rough idea of how or what might happen. Artist and researcher Nikolai Lam and Washington University computational genomics expert Alan Kwan have done such a work. Provides an idea of what humans might look like 100,000 years from now.


Human appearance has been changing since ancient times. The appearance of Neanderthal man differs greatly from that of modern man. Therefore, it can be assumed that there will be noticeable differences in the appearance of people in a hundred thousand years from today's people. Current genetic engineering advances may also have the effect of altering the external makeup of humans. But based on the changes that can occur in human appearance due to natural evolution without genetic engineering alone, Lam and Dr. Kwan created some images that show samples of what human appearance will look like in 20,000 years, 60,000 years, and 100,000 years. It also attempts to explain why these changes occur. But according to Lam and Dr Kwan, it is not certain that exactly these changes will occur in humans at such times. Rather, an attempt has been made to make an idea about the future by using the information we currently have.

1) Current:


The first picture is an unaltered picture of a man and a woman in the present day.

2) After 20 thousand years:


Some subtle changes are being observed in human appearance. The size of the brain is slightly larger than before. And the effect of the yellow lens in their eyes is observed. This lens will work much like Google Glass, but it will be more functional, more powerful.

3) After 60 thousand years:


Several changes are visible in it. The head has grown larger, as well as the eyes. At this time people will build settlements on planets other than Earth. There will be less light due to distance from the sun. Human eyes will also be larger to adapt to low light. There would be no ozone layer like on Earth, so the eyelids would be heavier, the skin would be darker to avoid harmful UV rays.

4) After one lakh years:


After a hundred thousand years, the change is quite noticeable. Especially the big eyes like Japanese cartoons. This eye will benefit from seeing in low light. And the eyelids now as we drop them from the top, then they will be dropped from the side. The shape of the head will be bigger. Hair will become thicker. The nostrils will be larger to facilitate breathing in the harsh environment outside the world.

Reference: Forbes

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