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Learn about the feminine behaviors of women

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a big difference in the external structure of men and women. But psychologically these differences are quite subtle. A woman's feminine demeanor is truly what sets her apart from a man. What is feminine in a girl? Let's find out what the real solutions to this issue can be!


A user on the social entertaining service Reddit posted such a question seeking advice online. That is - 'What if I suddenly become a girl tomorrow?' More than 9 thousand women answered this question. Their advice is that when you become a girl, you stay around a chocolate shop and stock up on enough pads. Men have no shortage of interest in knowing details about women. Women cannot be separated by chocolate love and menstruation. They have many other things that really set them apart. If you can't differentiate a woman from men only by their external appearance, because all over the world, women are working on an equal footing with men based on their external appearance. You can't leave any doubt about their performance that they work less than men or are less intelligent. The real difference between men and women is their mentality. According to Greek mythology, women are symbols of tenderness and fertility. Truly another gentle being resides within the woman. Cole Hamilton, reporter and editorial assistant of The Independent, has brought up women in a completely different light. So if you wake up one morning and find you've turned into a girl, the first thing to do is do a little research on new physical features, writes Cole Hamilton. Stand in front of the mirror and observe every inch of your body, every bend, every skin fold etc. Because not only men but also women will be watching you as soon as you step out of the house. Feel, where the body used to have an angular shape, now there is a curve. Hard and rough areas become soft and smooth. Some parts of the body where there was a lot of hair, became hairless. Another great thing about being a woman is that you can cover up all the unsightly parts of your body with modern makeup. Another bad thing is that people will research your beauty. The media will blow your mind by defining beauty in different ways. So try your best to stay away from these.


Menstruation in girls is as natural as anything else. So you must be aware of this all the time. Especially if you don't buy pads at home before your period starts, you are at risk. When working in a patriarchal environment, anyone who sees you will think you are someone's secretary. He may have joked about other women when he was a man. But now your body parts will be the fodder for other men's jokes. You also need to be strong to protest these incidents. You will enjoy the joy of giving birth. But an insolent child may cause you trouble in the future.

If you really wake up in the morning and find that you have become a woman, remember that no two women are the same. But all women are wonderful creations of nature. The Greek god Perseus loved his wife so much that he left heaven to live with his wife and children on earth. He said about women, women are the most beautiful of the beautiful creations of the world.

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