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Messi awarded the highest tax payer in Spain!

The Dhaka Times Desk 2014 World Cup Player of the Year Lionel Messi is Spain's Top Taxpayer. He became the best taxpayer in Spain by paying 5 million 30 million euros. As a result, he is being honored as a special taxpayer in Spain.


Not only on the field, but also in obeying the law, Messi has honestly paid taxes on his income, far behind Spain's mega-rich. This is the first in the history of Spanish taxpayers to pay such a large amount of tax.

Meanwhile, Messi was accused of evading Spain's taxes last year, and a case was also filed against him for evading 2.24 million euros of image rights. Before the end of the World Cup, Messi showed more responsibility. The Argentinian football wizard is now the highest paying income tax in Spain.


Added to Messi's taxes are image rights dues. But at the end of the World Cup, the son of the record set a new record by paying a huge amount of tax.

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