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Obama calls for ceasefire in bloody Gaza after all the destruction

The Dhaka Times Desk There is nothing left but ruins in Ganja, countless women and children have already been killed. The Jews of Israel have already taken over some parts of Palestine in the name of ground attack, but this time after everything is over, Obama's call must stop the war.

Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu

Barack Obama said in a statement from the White House that the war on cannabis should be implemented immediately. For this purpose, US Special Envoy Secretary of State John Kerry will be sent to mediate.

Meanwhile, the thirteenth day of Israel's almost one-sided operation in Gaza, which began on July 8, saw the highest number of casualties yesterday. 120 Palestinians were killed that day. One-third of the dead were women and children.


On the other hand, Israel says that 13 soldiers were killed during their ground operation yesterday. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has finally opened up, calling the Palestinians 'brutal! He blamed Hamas for creating terrorism. Ban Ki-moon called on the Palestinians to stop this violence immediately.

According to a statement from the White House, Obama spoke on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday. He expressed concern over the loss of life on both sides. Barack Obama has already sent US Secretary of State John Kerry to the Egyptian capital Cairo today.

formula- The Times

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