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Control over Twitter!

Dhaka Time Desk Twitter, the world's most famous social network, is going to introduce partial control over its services. In recent times, countries like India and the United States have put pressure on companies like Facebook and Google, arguing that the country's laws and regulations are not being followed. India has already urged internet companies to remove such content on their own initiative instead of direct government censorship. Taking all these things into consideration, Twitter has taken a novel decision.
Recently, Twitter announced on their blog that messages that violate the laws of a particular country will be censored in that country. That is, any 'illegal' tweet written will not be seen on the Twitter screen in that country. But it can be seen from other countries of the world.
It should be noted that currently the number of Twitter users in the whole world is about 100 million. On the other hand, it is known that the US intelligence agency FBI is looking for ways to access the necessary confidential information of social networks. As a result, experts believe that the character of social media websites including Twitter will change in the coming days. Those concerned with it are waiting to see the rest with their own eyes.

By playing the game-

A 23-year-old Taiwanese video game addict fell to his death while playing games at a cyber cafe. The young man's name is Chen Jung-yu.
According to Sky News, his body was discovered by cafe staff after it had been lying for ten hours. He had already paid the bill for playing the game for 23 hours straight. When staff called after time expired, they discovered Chen dead. Later investigation revealed that he had died ten hours earlier. According to the police, after receiving the news of the boy's death, the police came there, but the other gamers present in the cafe were busy with the game without showing much interest in the body!
According to another media outlet, the young man named Chen was playing a 3D multiplayer game called 'League of Legends'. Police are still investigating to determine the cause of death. (Source - Dainik Yugantar)


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