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Pluck perfect eyebrows at home very easily (VIDEO)

The Dhaka Times Desk Eyebrow pluck is a fashion which is mandatory common among women nowadays. Many people regularly go to the parlor to get their eyebrows plucked. But you can do your own eyebrow plucking if you want.


Thinning or plucking of the eyebrows is a common thing for women, but it is as delicate as it is complicated to do. If it is a little bit here and there, there is pain and there is a possibility that the eyebrows will become crooked. Eyebrows are a very important thing in appearance. If you don't keep it in the right way, in the right shape, the whole face will become 2 eyebrows and no matter how much you practice beauty.

All you need to pluck eyebrows at home-

white kajal
the ice

Watch the video first-

Know the method-

Eyebrow plucking may cause pain to your skin, to reduce this pain you need to rub ice on the eyebrow and its side beforehand.

Then mark the beginning, middle point and end of both eyebrows with white kajal.

Now mark the specific area of the eyebrow i.e. the area where you will place the eyebrow along the previous point and apply it with white kajal.

Then, with tweezers, carefully remove the outer part marked with white kajal and the eyebrows above the white kajal. Be careful not to raise the eyebrows inside the white kajal line. If the inner eyebrow is raised, the shape of the eyebrow will not be perfect. So be careful in this case. Now remove the white kajal.

After removing the kajal you will clearly see the new structure of your eyebrows. After that, if there is any hair left outside, you can pick it up.

Done, put ice back on. It will not irritate the skin. Now you can apply makeup on your eyebrows as you wish. Eyebrow plucking is done at home of your choice. If you don't understand, watch the above video and you will become a complete expert.

Below are some of the latest style eyebrow pluck samples:

eyebrow-shapes copy_result

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