The Dhaka Times
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Last minute shopping is going on in the markets of the capital

The Dhaka Times Desk Citizens of the capital are shopping independently. Because most of the people have left Dhaka. The capital is now largely empty as people go home for Eid.

Shopping  markets

And the people of the capital are scoring goals in this empty field. The streets of the capital are now almost empty. However, there is traffic congestion in several areas including Newmarket, Dhanmondi, Mouchak, Mirpur-1 and 10. However, in other areas such as Motijheel, several areas are now almost empty. Only some private offices remain open. However, even if tomorrow Sunday is the official opening, the attendance will be very less. Because most of the people left the capital on Thursday. Only those with advance tickets are still in the capital. They will leave the capital today and tomorrow. Moreover, many people could not go even though the office was closed due to the fact that the train tickets were booked.

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The capital's shopping malls are still crowded. Walking around the New Market area, every shop is crowded with shoppers. Especially the gold shop at Chandnichak Chowk was also crowded. On the other hand, Dhanmondi's Rapa Plaza and Arang were also crowded. But went to Arang and found that many good items were sold out. Many have come back after looking online and buying. Especially children's clothes have been sold more this time. Although the price is relatively high, many people visit this market and market for clothes.

But the biggest irony was going to the beehive market. Because the beehive market road was closed due to the flyover, buyers from far and wide could not go to the beehive market.

Like last time, Bashundhara Market was crowded this time too. Although this market is for the upper class. But the middle class does not go short. Many middle-class people were also seen shopping in the elite shopping mall Bashundhara City.

These markets are crowded with sarees, bird thrips, children's wear, women's jewelery and imitation goods.

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