The Dhaka Times Desk Finally, the two controversial Indian TV channels Star Jalsa and Zee Bangla are going to be shut down in Bangladesh, according to a source in the Ministry of Information.
Some media in Bangladesh are claiming, said a source in Bangladesh on condition of anonymity in the Ministry of Information Next August 6th Since Zee Bangla and Star Jalsa TV channels are going to shut down and Star Plus TV may also stop broadcasting.
Basically, there are different opinions in the country about the drama serials aired on these TV channels. Many people think that some dramatic changes are seen among women in the country by watching the various drama serials running on these Indian channels. The latest in these changes bird dress The controversy over has caused the most stir. This Eid, there is a lot of interest among the buyers to buy the dress that was seen on Pakhi, the heroine of Bojhena Se Bojhena serial aired on Indian channel. However, some of the interested buyers committed suicide and divorced their husbands after not being able to buy this dress, due to which a special demand for the closure of these serials and TV channels arose.
Meanwhile, when asked to know the reason behind the closure of these TV channels in India, the source said, the information ministry is being forced to take this decision due to incidents like suicide and divorce over a lady's dress called Pakhi this Eid.
Although the news could not be confirmed by any source other than the Ministry of Information, many people on social media were happy and Survive in half Seen to give status like. The main audience of Indian serials in Bangladesh is a small number of women. Most men have taken a stand against these serials since the beginning.
Now what will the viewers who are engrossed in these serials all day long do if Star Jalsa and Zee Bangla are closed?
This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১৬, ২০১৪ 1:20 pm
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