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Solar storm coming towards the world! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Solar storm coming towards the world! Due to the storm created inside the sun, the earth and the earthlings are going to be threatened with long-lasting damage! Scientists have warned that a terrible solar storm is coming towards the world very soon!


With the flare of fire in the sun at a very high rate, gamma rays, dye rays, etc., etc., are created in the space at a great rate! International Task Force SolarMax member Ashley Dale Repeatedly warning about the potential damage of this solar storm. of Bristol University This researcher said that it is only a matter of time before the effect of this especially terrible solar storm on the earth.

What will happen to this storm in our world? The impact of this storm may break the communication system, power transmission. Transportation, sanitation and health systems will face major damage. Additional electricity will flow to the earth's ground and overhead power lines. As a result, the power system may break down and electrical equipment will be damaged. Earth may be temporarily without electricity.

Meanwhile, there is talk of another solar storm happening before in history, it happened once In 1859. At that time, about one trillion kilograms of hot solar particles fell to the earth's surface at a speed of three thousand kilometers per second. But then it was not understood by the people of the world or the effect was not seen because at that time the world's electricity system was not so extensive. At that time, there was nothing but 124,000 miles of telegraph lines overhead.

of NASA It is said from the side, the earth once every 150 years Carrington Level beyond As such, we are already five years past the potential solar storm period. And now the potential for solar storms in the next decade 12 percent.

But the hope is that NASA and related researchers have already started special research on how to deal with this storm.

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