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Learn about and see all the most interesting trees in the world

The Dhaka Times Desk It goes without saying how many useful friends trees are to us. Environment, trees and people are our world together. This earth became habitable after the growth of trees. From this it was understood that one of the most necessary for life is the tree. One of the reasons for today's hostile climate in the world is the decrease in the number of trees. Today we will highlight some exceptional trees for the readers of The Dhaka Times.


1. Giant bushy rhododendron
This giant rhododendron tree is about 125 years old. Brikshabishards are reluctant to call this huge tree a tree, they call it Shrab or a shrubby tree. This 125-year-old rhododendron tree is located in Canada. Its crimson blossoms will fascinate anyone. This tree image was collected from reddit.

2. Trees swaying in the wind in New Zealand
A huge swaying tree in the middle of a wide green field. Looking at these sloping trees in the middle of a field in the southern part of New Zealand, it seems like they are swaying in the wind, but not only the trees look like this. Because they have been born this way in the waves of the Pacific Ocean.

3. Japanese Maple in Portland Park
There is a Japanese park in Portland, Oregon, USA. The area is inhabited by Japanese immigrants. These trees are in the beautifully developed Japanese park here. These are called Japanese Maples.

4. Antarctic beech trees in Oregon
These trees are called Antarctic beech trees. Moss has grown on this tree in abundance. The original form of the tree is lost, the tree is covered with huge strange moss. These trees are native to Chile and Argentina in South America.

5. Germany's sister city cherry blossom street
If you visit Germany's sister city in early April, you're in for a treat. A tunnel-like road adorned with cherry blossoms lit by lampposts at night. It is a unique sight that will leave you mesmerized.

6. Angel oak trees in South Carolina
Located in South Carolina, this Angel Oak tree is approximately 1500 years old. This tree is 65 feet or 20 meters tall and has a radius of about 90 meters.

7. alien tree
The original name of these plants found in Yemen is Dragonblood. Their shape and nature are so different from our familiar world that many people jokingly call them alien trees. Famous sci-fi movies like Star Wars used these trees to depict alien environments.

8. Oak Avenue in South Carolina
These oak trees were planted in a local park in South Carolina around 1790. Today it looks like an oak tree tunnel called Oak Avenue.

9. The baobab tree of Madagascar
Check out these Madagascar trees and you will be amazed. These trees are called baobabs. These trees may make you feel like you've landed on another planet.

10. Barrier of darkness
This is the Northern Coast Road of Ireland. The entire road is covered with beech trees. How the silence of the night prevails in the morning fog. The famous drama serial called Games of Thrones is shot here.

Reference: Borpanda

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