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What to do to lose weight

The Dhaka Times Desk Just as we take steps to gain weight if we are underweight, we should pay special attention to losing weight.


We all know that a man should carry the weight he should carry. But many times due to under or over weight various physical problems occur. Today we will discuss the things to do to lose weight.

Having excess body weight is not good at all. Being overweight is especially dangerous for people with diabetes. However, those who do not have diabetes also need to be careful not to gain excess weight. Because if you are overweight, panting, difficulty in wearing your favorite clothes, many types of diseases can arise due to weight gain. And that's why everyone wants to maintain the right weight even if it's hard. And many do diet and exercise to lose this weight. And for many, it is not possible to find time for exercise. In that case, diet control remains. But are the habits we develop to lose weight correct? Many people do proper diet control on doctor's advice. But it is not possible for everyone to follow the doctor's advice. And then the problem happened, he made up his own mind to lose weight. It shouldn't at all. This means that someone can face serious harm at any time.


Let's take a look at what can be fatal mistakes in weight loss.


Controlling overeating is called crash dieting. If you start eating less in the name of weight loss, the damage will be yours. By doing this you will not lose weight but you will lose your nutritious food. It can make you physically weak and sick. So it should not be done at all.

Foods like drinks

Many people have the idea that eating liquids instead of other foods will help them lose weight. This is also a misconception. Because just 1 glass of fruit juice can contain 150 to 300 calories. It won't do you much good. So if you want to lose weight then eat fruit but not fruit juice.

Skipping one meal

Many people think that if you skip one meal, you will eat less and lose weight. But this idea is completely wrong. Skipping meals can actually make you gain weight. Because one meal is not right, but the next meal you will eat more food, but this is a normal rule. So eat in moderation but never skip meals.

Carbohydrates cause weight gain

Many people think that eating carbohydrates will increase weight. So exclude all types of carbohydrate foods from the food list. By doing this, you are depleting yourself of energy. Some carbohydrates are definitely needed by the human body. If you want to cut out, cut out foods high in sugar and extra calories.

And so doctors prescribe which foods you should eat less of. That should be the rule. If you exercise as much as you like, you may gain weight instead of losing it.

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