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Night waking can also cause cancer: change the bad habit of waking up at night

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people have a habit of waking up at night. Watch computer or TV at night and sleep during the day. This is not a good practice at all. Do you know, night waking can cause cancer?

change normal Life

Many people have the habit of waking up at night. Many people cannot sleep easily at night. Many times it is seen that sleep does not come even after taking sleeping pills. This is due to bad habits. Due to this bad habit, many stay awake at night sitting on the computer or watching TV. Many people spend time reading story books or talking on mobile phones. And they sleep again during the day. Even if you call them a thousand times a day, they don't get up, then they are in a deep sleep. Such a situation is not pleasant at all.

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A certain time must be slept to keep the body healthy. Because the body needs rest to stay healthy. Mainly a continuous sleep of 6 to 7 hours a night helps to keep any person's body fresh. But, did you know that waking up at night can ruin your body forever? Know and change these habits as soon as possible. Because doctors say that due to more night waking, serious diseases like cancer can take root in the human body.

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Talking on mobile at night

A good night's sleep after a long day's work. But most of the time it is seen, spending most of the night on the phone or internet without getting proper rest This action destroys the proper rest of our body and slowly makes us sick. Then it creates various problems in the body. Which leads to chronic problems.

Reading books at night

Many people have the habit of reading books at night. Reading books is a kind of addiction. That's why he keeps on reading until the book is finished. Due to which the body does not get proper rest. Moreover, various types of obstacles can also appear in the body.

Watching TV at night

Watching TV is also an addiction. Watching TV occasionally or on holidays at night does not have any bad effect on the body. But watching TV late at night is very harmful for health. As a result, various types of problems can occur in the body.

If you don't give up these bad habits, your body will suffer. Even these problems can become permanent. Moreover, it is not unusual to have mental illness and even cancer as a result of staying awake for too long. So doctors say, you must sleep at a certain time at night. You must sleep at least 6 hours a night. Doctors say that if you do not sleep during this period, various physical problems may occur.

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