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Taking diabetes medicine will increase the life expectancy of people!

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular drugs for type 2 diabetes around the world also help in longevity. These drugs in the metformin family help prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer. Researchers have highlighted all these facts through a recent study.


Researchers conducted regular tests on 1,80,000 people to conduct this experiment. Monitoring their health condition. The researchers found that these people taking metformin had a small but statistically significant improvement. In addition, these drugs of the metformin family are more effective than previous diabetes drugs. However, researchers say they have been researching this drug for about five and a half years. It has the potential to really prolong life without some minor complications. The US Cardiff University School of Medicine conducted this test. Professor Craig Currie, who led the study, said metformin had also been tested in healthy people without diabetes. It can be said to be an effective medicine with few side effects. But the cost of this drug may be much higher than current diabetes drugs. He also said in this context, metformin is popular in the treatment of diabetes all over the world. It is equally effective in diabetic and non-diabetic patients. But our new research has opened new directions. It shows that it not only controls diabetes but also prevents cancer and cardiovascular diseases.


It should be noted that in the past, the drugs used to treat diabetes used to kill their users. Doctors advise the users to exercise to keep them free from this problem. At present, sulfonylureas are used for the treatment of diabetes in various countries of the world including our country. To conduct this trial, researchers administered metformin to 78,241 patients and sulfonylureas to 1,2222 patients. Their age, sex, smoking status and clinical condition are considered in the application of these drugs. The results of the study are published in the journal Diabetes. The results of the study showed that patients taking metformin had a 15 percent reduction in life expectancy, while those taking sulfonylureas had a 38 percent reduction in life expectancy.

Reference: The Daily Mail

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