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A Swedish girl saved from paralysis with the help of a 3D printer!

The Dhaka Times Desk 3D printer is one of the most talked about technologies. Thanks to the 3D printer gun making, food preparation, Manufacture of fighter aircraft parts, even Artificial flowers are made It has been possible to do that which may have blossomed. recently 3D printer Applied in medical science.


Doctors were able to replace a Swedish teenager's bone damaged by a congenital disease with a 3D-printed bone replacement. Thanks to the 3D printer, the girl survived, from permanent paralysis. The Swedish teenager was 15 years old. He was carrying a disease from birth. In his pelvic bones neurofibroma The name was a tumor. Over time it causes severe damage to the pelvic bones. Complications occur after the tumor is surgically removed. The left pelvic bone is damaged. Treatment was limited in this way. The girl had no choice but to be permanently paralyzed. His doctors were not sure if he would be able to walk normally again.

Professor at Skene University in 2012 Rydholm He was supervising the matter. he Moblife can know about Molife is a Belgian company with experience in bone and joint replacement. The company undertakes bone replacement through 3D printing.

The patient's own bone is designed through a tomography scan. Corroded areas of damaged bone are identified. The shape of the part of the patient that is completely obliterated is determined by the design. With the help of 3D printers, shaped bones are created to replace damaged bones in the pelvis.

A year and a half after the surgery, the girl can now walk on her own two feet. He does not have to use a wheel chair. He can even go to school now.

Watch the video:

References: Gizmag, Moblife

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