The Dhaka Times
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This time 3D printer will be made parts of militant aircraft!

The Dhaka Times Desk 3D Printer is one of the most discussed topics nowadays, various things are being made with 3D Printer. This is a famous aircraft manufacturing company BAE Systems, with a 3D printer RAF Tornado fighter jets Aircraft announced.


In recent times, there have been cases of using 3D printers to make and use such machines in various factories. A few days ago, it came out in our report that 3D printers will make real friends, Special jet engine And 3D Printer can also make food!

BAE Systems, the world-renowned aircraft manufacturer, has announced the production of various parts of supersonic fighter jets when this is possible. The company has said that they will first make airplane cockpits, radio buckets, take-off shafts, etc. from 3D printers!

At present, BAE Systems imports different parts from different manufacturers separately for their manufactured aircraft or makes them themselves, but if these parts are made with 3D Printer, it is possible to reduce the production cost of the company very easily.


According to BAE Systems, currently, each part of the aircraft has to be made in one process in different factories, but by using 3D Printer, parts of any shape can be made in one place and these parts are very durable. Therefore, we have decided that from now on we will produce various parts for our RAF Tornado fighter jets using 3D printers.”

Source: The TechJournal

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