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Food will be made with a 3D printer! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk 3D technology has not come for a long time now 3D printers have become quite popular, various organizations including NASA are using 3D printers for various purposes, this time Barcelona company Natural Machines. made Foodini Named 3D printer that can actually print food.


A 3D printer can create three-dimensional objects with the help of the design and the raw materials contained in it. While many things have been made with 3D printers, food has yet to be made.


Natural Machines, a company in Barcelona, Spain, has developed a 3D printer that is capable of printing three-dimensional food! It is named Foodini. Make burgers, sandwiches, breads, cakes, and more with Foodini!


There are 5 different capsules in Foodini for preparing food, these capsules are controlled with the help of computer, essential ingredients are given in these capsules for preparing food. According to the instructions of the computer, the required amount of food is 3D printed from these capsules and finally a beautiful food is made.


Lynette Kucsma, one of the inventors, said, “Foodini is a 3D printer that will make people think about cooking at home again, because with Foodini it is possible to prepare any food at home very easily, nowadays people are turning to hotel restaurants to prepare food at home. They almost forgot, but Foodini can make you a meal in no time!

He also said, "My children are very young, they are reluctant to eat normal food, so I brought Foodini at home. If I make different fun shaped food, they eat it with interest!"


According to the manufacturer, the Foodini 3D printer will hit the market in mid-2014 and will be priced between $835 and $1,300.

Source: The Tech Journal

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