The Dhaka Times
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Let's see how birds build their nests!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of you who live in urban areas may not have seen a bird's nest, seeing how birds build their nests is very rare for city dwellers. But this time, a photographer's camera captured the work of making two bird nests from start to finish.


There are many species of birds in the world, among which many of them build nests and many live in free open air, but the number of birds living in nests is more. The nesting process of birds and the shape of their nests are very diverse. Each bird makes a nest in a different way, some of them bring any kind of straw and weave it one by one with their beaks to make a nest, now there are some who make amazing nests with the mastery of their beaks.

Among the nesting birds, some birds nest in trees, some invade the roofs, windows and balconies of people's houses. Below is a picture of one such pair of birds making their nest from start to finish:


Source: Viralnova

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