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How you can organize your daily life style

The Dhaka Times Desk Humans are slaves to habits, no matter how messy you are, if you follow the rules and do a good routine at this time from the beginning of the day to the end, your day will be better. Today we have prepared this post for you with some tips to decorate your day in a beautiful way.

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In our today's post we have divided a day into two parts first part from morning to afternoon and second part from noon to night. In these two parts, you are given a nicely organized set of tasks which, if followed, will make your day go smoothly.

  • Morning to noon


1) When you wake up in the morning, think about some good deeds you have done in the past day and write them down in the notebook. This process will cheer up your mind at the start of your new day. Always focus on good, avoid evil.

2) Oil can be massaged on the body, which will make your body plump. You don't have to do it every day, you can do oil massage 3 to 4 days a week.

3) Drink a glass of light yellow lemon water. The body will be alive for the whole day. Lemon water is very effective in hydrating the body.

4) Sit on the balcony for some time and think or listen to music before bathing. It will make your mind happy. Take a shower afterwards.

5) Have breakfast. Eat whatever you like for breakfast, but take your time. Taking time to eat breakfast gives satisfaction.

6) Now it's time to get ready for office or going out. Outside weather should be given importance in the choice of clothing. Keep in mind where you are going. What is the weather or environment like there? Choose clothes only after analyzing everything.

7) Now sit for a while and look at various journals in the newspaper or on the Internet. If necessary, open the email and see if there are any urgent messages. But never wake up early morning to open email as it can make your day worse for sure.

8) Now start your first task of the day, but in this case, start the day with something easy but pleasant for you. The rest of the day will go well.

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  • Noon to night


1) Must be tired in the afternoon after completing various tasks in the morning! And at this time it will be time to take your lunch. So take lunch. Then make a to-do list for the rest of the day.

2) In the evening you can take some entertainment like sit with computer, TV or tablet. Reply to personal mail. See a good picture.

3) It is time for dinner. Eat something light at night. In this case, having a salad for dinner is very good.

4) After dinner, sit for some time on the balcony or in a chair in your bedroom. Listen to music at low volume. It will relax you from the whole day's work stress.

5) Now wash your hands and feet well and brush your teeth. Prepare mentally for a good night's sleep. Check the diary to see if you have any scheduled work for the next day.

6) Come to bed, lie down comfortably and close your eyes. Go to a peaceful sleep.

Learn more: 10 ways to keep kids busy during the holidays!

If you follow each of the above steps one by one, your life will surely come in a beautiful order. Which will make your life style different from others. So why delay and start. Don't worry, it will be difficult to adapt at first but it will gradually become normal.

Source: Mindbodygreen

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