Categories: health talk

Find out about both crises with bananas!

The Dhaka Times Desk Banana is a fruit with many nutritional properties. According to nutritionists, bananas contain all the nutrients and vitamins of food. But many of those who are struggling with excess body weight believe that bananas increase body weight. According to experts this is a misconception. Let's find out about both these crises with bananas.

Most nutritionists, trainers, athletes use bananas as their best source of nutrition. Because bananas contain 108 grams of calories and 17.5 grams of carbohydrates. Most of the calories in bananas come from carbohydrates, and the carbohydrates in these calories are simple sugars and starches. A banana contains 19 grams of sugar and 1 gram of protein. This is why most people think that bananas increase body weight. But know one thing that bananas do not contain any type of fat, cholesterol or sodium. Banana is a nutrient dense fruit. It contains carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals and energy. Those who are interested in losing body weight can eat less bananas than before. But even then if you are planning to consume 200 grams of calories in your daily nutrition list, you can eat 6 bananas.

Bananas are popular all over the world as a safe superfood. It will keep you fresh and energetic. It contains potassium as a mineral which helps in keeping blood pressure stable. Its fibrous content keeps your hunger under control. You can eat bananas from breakfast to dessert or evening snack after a heavy lunch. It will keep you fresh as well as provide nourishment. Nutritionists say that bananas are one of the five most nutritious foods. Hence it is very popular with athletes all over the world. So don't worry too much about eating bananas. It will give you good nutrition.

Reference: Times of India

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This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৭, ২০২৪ 12:55 pm

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