The Dhaka Times
With the commitment to keep the young generation ahead, Bangladesh's largest social magazine.

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Papaya helps in reducing fat

The Dhaka Times Desk A universal fruit is papaya. Papaya is available in almost all seasons of Bangladesh. Both raw and ripe papaya are very beneficial for the body. Papaya helps in reducing fat. To know more read details -

Office law: pay less if you are fat!

The Dhaka Times Desk There are several rules to be followed to get a job. Like going to office on time, working attentively. Fulfilling the targets given by the office or authority. But such a condition or law was never heard of before. The condition is to be thin,…

Cycling: A great way to stay fit

The Dhaka Times Desk A bicycle revolution has taken place in Bangladesh. In many places, young people ride bicycles in groups. Many cycling clubs continue their activities. But many of us have no idea about the benefits of cycling. Let's find out…
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