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Android's battle: Android overtakes Apple's iOS

The Dhaka Times Desk Although Android is the most used operating system in smart products, it lags behind in web browsing. After a long time, Android has overtaken other operating systems in web browsing. Today, most web browsing is done on Android based devices.


Android OS has overtaken Apple's iOS platform on the web as well, data analytics firm Net Applications recently reported. Although the open Android operating system is used in 85 percent of smart products worldwide, technology analysts have been criticizing it for a long time as it lags behind in web browsing. But from now on its manufacturer Google will not have to listen to this criticism.

Until now Apple's iOS was ahead in web browsing. Apple's CEO Tim Cook criticized it, saying, 'No one uses Android.' Android-based tablets may be lying in a warehouse, or the store may have arranged them, or someone may have locked them in a drawer.'


Android OS overtook iOS within a year. Android overtook iOS for the first time. People are now spending more time on the internet on Android products than ever before. Android is now ruling the smartphone market. In the second quarter of the year, it completely cornered other operating systems in the world's smartphone market. This information was revealed in a recent AFP news.

According to Strategy Analytics, 27 percent more smartphones were shipped in the second quarter of this year than last year, most of which are Android-based. According to the analysis, the market share of Apple's iOS operating system, the rival of Android, has decreased by 2.2 percent. This is made possible by providing good services and user-friendly software at affordable prices.

Neil Mouseton, executive director of Strategy Analytics, recognizes Android as the best OS available today. Sincere efforts have brought Android to this position with increasing usage. This bodes ill for other OSes in terms of market capture.

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