The Dhaka Times
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4 kg of gold shirt walking around the industrialist!

The Dhaka Times Desk Pankaj Parakh from Maharashtra, India, seems to have made no mistake by leaving school as a child. It seems that many highly educated people could not or will not be able to do what they have done in the rest of their life even if they failed in their education.


If people have money, what happens to the lack of hobbies? People do strange things for fun. Just such a person is Pankaj Parakh of Maharashtra, India! Although he is really stupid, but now he is a millionaire by doing family business and he is involved in Indian politics at the same time. He also gives a lot of charity to people. But one of his strange hobbies is using gold. This man's indomitable love for gold.

Local influential politician and industrialist Parakh wore a special 'shirt' made of four kg gold on his 45th birthday on Friday. Parakh, who wore such a special shirt on his birthday, said that this shirt is 'expressing my specialness'.

According to media reports, Parakh walked to Yeola town, 260 km away from Mumbai city, after wearing the shirt worth more than one crore three million rupees.


Meanwhile, 20 goldsmiths of Mumbai's famous Shanti Jewelers worked for 3200 hours over two months to make this very valuable shirt. It has seven 22 carat aesthetic buttons. There is a guarantee on the gold used in the shirt.

Parakh says about his love for gold, usually I never go out without gold ornaments weighing 2-3 kg. I have always been addicted to gold. My addiction to gold started from the age of five. Which is why it makes perfect sense that I would wear something made of gold on my 45th birthday.

Parakh also said, "Even during my marriage 23 years ago, I fell into a very embarrassing situation. At that time, everyone was saying that my body has more gold ornaments than the bride. But I really like this royal metal a lot.

Parakh, however, donates a lot from his wealth, he said, at least one week a year I do service work in a 1000-bed hospital in India, especially with polio. We provide food, medicine, surgery - even clothes - to poor patients. It gives me a kind of peace of mind.

Meanwhile, Parakh said that he was not afraid even after wearing such an expensive shirt, I went out with a registered revolver. I always have 6 body guards with me who are trained in the latest training so I am not afraid of any accident.

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