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Root Android phone easily

The Dhaka Times Desk Android mobile users are less familiar with the term root. Why do rooting? To conclude, you root user means you are a user with superuser access to your set, a superuser can enjoy the full benefits of the device.


Framaroot.apk It is a very good app for rooting mobile. But in many mobiles, if you root and unroot with it once, you cannot root that mobile with Framaroot the next time. Then need to root with another app / computer.

Download link



ES File explorer

Install Framaroot.apk on your phone with Now open the app. Select Install Superuser and click on Boromir at the bottom. Click OK when Exploit result shows success. Install “Install SuperSu” again as before. Success actually your phone is successfully ROOT. Reboot your phone. In apps, you can see two apps called Superuser and SuperSU. Now you can use all rooted apps & enjoy your freedom. If you want to use any rotted apps, you will first ask for superuser permission. And another important information with the help of these apps you can also unroot your android.

For those whose phone is not Framaroot supported

Root Master

Download Root Master apk
Download link-

vroot apk

* Install.
* Open the Apps.
* Select Mouli Root.
* Loading will happen.
* Select Root.
* Select Batal.
* Now reboot the device.
* You will find an app named Periznian rumah in Apps dwarer.
* This is your super su.

Check if your device is rooted with this root validator.

downloadz link


Once the phone is rooted, the first thing you need to do is to install bizbox.


Install Busybox from here-

Warning - No company wants someone to customize their device. Due to which rooting during warranty period will void your warranty. Also, The Dhaka Times will not be responsible in any way if you make a mistake in routing. But for those brave enough to say “Remember it's not yours until you voided its warranty”

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