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New research: the body will be completely transparent like glass!

The Dhaka Times Desk What if a rat ran over your leg but you didn't see it? Because the whole body color of the mouse is transparent. Now the researchers have made the entire body of the mouse transparent to better see its physical activity.

See Through Mice

This process makes it possible to see all the parts of an animal from the outside. The normal activities of the rat's body will continue but it will be possible to better observe the different parts of its body. If you want to see the proper functioning of the body, you need to know about the response of each organ of the body, starting from the blood circulation inside the body. Scientists have adopted this transparent approach to make this way of knowing more effective. Researchers say the system could lead to better understanding of everything from chronic pain to autism. The research was published in Cell, one of the latest bioscience journals. The researchers said that scientists knew how to make organs transparent centuries ago. But this is the first time scientists have made an entire animal transparent. This research is expected to make it possible to observe the inner workings of the brain.

See Through Mice

Transplantation involves placing an organ in a water-based gel. Then the fat part is removed by washing with detergent. By washing away the fat in this way, the entire organ becomes transparent. But in the new process, scientists injected a clarifying gel into the blood of mice. By doing this, within a few weeks, all the organs of the mouse become transparent, and the entire mouse becomes transparent. This genetically transparent cell carries out the genetic modification of cells throughout the body. As a result the body becomes transparent.

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