The Dhaka Times
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3 people of the same family died after eating cracker fish

The Dhaka Times Desk Again there was a death by eating cracker fish. This time 3 people died after eating cracker fish in the capital Dhaka.

fish & 3 people died

3 people of the same family died after eating cracker fish in Dholaipard area of the capital on Monday night. 2 more people are sick. The sick are under treatment at Dhaka Medical College Hospital. Two brothers Jumman (15) and Robin (8) and their uncle Shaheen died while undergoing treatment at Dhaka Medical College Hospital at 10:30 pm.

Farida Begum (35) and her brother Md Sooja (25) have been admitted to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. It is said that they are staying in the house of Altaf Hossain, Deepti Gali, Dholaipar.

A neighbor named Dulal Hossain told reporters that Nazim Uddin's sons Jumman and Robin. In the morning, they bought cracker fish from the market. After cooking, they eat the same fish at night. After eating fish they started falling sick one by one. Later they were brought to Dhaka Medical College Hospital with the help of neighbors. 3 people died after being brought to the hospital.

The condition of the remaining 2 people under treatment is fairly good. Doctors think that these two may have eaten less amount of fish so they survived the journey.

It should be noted that sometimes there are cases of death by eating cracker fish in different parts of the country. But still it is surprising why this fish is not banned and measures are not taken to make people aware.

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