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A Bangladesh plane escaped from the collision

The Dhaka Times Desk A Bangladeshi plane has survived a major air crash in Kolkata. The plane was saved by a warning from Air Traffic Control in Kolkata seconds before it collided with another Saudi Arabian plane.

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A warning was given by air traffic control in Kolkata just seconds before a passenger plane of Bangladesh bound for America from Dhaka collided head-on with another plane of Saudi Arabia in the airspace of Kolkata. This saved the lives of at least 538 passengers of two passenger planes. The incident happened on Monday evening. Kolkata airport authority confirmed this news. The plane was a private United Airlines plane of Bangladesh.

The air traffic control room in Kolkata informed that the control tower realized and gave a warning just before the collision in the airspace of Kolkata at around 7:00 a.m. Indian time yesterday. Due to which both the planes survived the crash.

Quoting the control room, the news media said in the voice of time, the responsibility of the Saudi Arabian pilot in the incident was confirmed by the Kolkata Air Traffic Control or AITC authorities.

According to the initial investigation, the airspace of Kolkata air traffic control room from Raransee in India to the Bay of Bengal. The pilot of Saudi Arabia obeyed the order of air traffic control of Kolkata. Despite repeated warnings, the Saudi aircraft was moving in a straight line from west to east. On the other hand, the Bangladeshi aircraft was moving from east to west according to its specific route and rules. The control tower saw the two planes moving head-to-head in the same sky line and repeatedly ordered the Saudi pilot to fly in the lower sky line than the Bangladeshi plane. But the Saudi aircraft continued to disobey that order. At one point the two planes came almost face to face. Then suddenly, the Saudi pilot dropped several hundred meters below the Bangladesh plane. After such an incident, the Air Traffic Control of Kolkata Airport has sought an apology from the Saudi pilot for allegedly flying the plane recklessly. However, the pilot did not respond till Monday evening yesterday. An inquiry committee has also been formed in Kolkata in this regard.

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