The Dhaka Times
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Eat the fox, the giant python was rescued!

The Dhaka Times Desk Finally, the fox-cheeked python released in the Altadighi Shalban National Park of the Forest Department was rescued.

sees the huge serpent

According to media sources, villagers have rescued a huge python snake in Mangalkotha village of Dhamirhat in Naogaon. And after this incident spread around, there was a sensation. Thousands of people thronged to catch a glimpse of this python.
This python is currently kept in the Upazila Bit Officer's office. This is the fox-cheeked python released in the Altadighi Salban National Park of the Forest Department.

According to the news, a python snake entered the house of deceased Abdul Barik Mondal of Mangalkotha village of Dhamirhat municipality yesterday at around 3:30 pm.

Arafat Hossain, the son of the said Barik Mandal, told reporters, 'This python snake, 9 feet 9 inches long and weighing about 30 kg, entered their house and after eating a duck entered the cows. Seeing the snake, the cows started running and neighing. When his mother Afroza Begum realized the matter and started screaming, I along with my brother Rezaul and the neighbors rescued the huge python snake.

Dhamirhat Upazila Chairman Moin Uddin, Upazila Executive Officer Hemayet Uddin visited the spot after receiving the news. On Tuesday morning, the upazila executive officer recovered the snake and handed it over to the office of the local beat officer. Thousands of men and women gathered in the morning when the news of the rescue of this huge python snake spread around.

See some natural photos of Altadighi Shalban National Park forest-

Notably, a python released on July 6 entered the forest and swallowed a fox whole. The Dhaka Times reported on this.In Naogaon, a python has swallowed a fox alive!' The news was published under the title. The local forest department did not take any action even though the snakes were recommended to be removed by experts because of the danger to the public.

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