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Watch the fight between crocodile and crocodile [Video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Heard of many large animals passing through the stomach of crocodiles. Now listen to the story of the crocodile going into the snake's stomach. Both snakes and crocodiles come forward to eat the two. Then the war begins between them, the loser will go to the stomach of the winner. The crocodile eventually lost to the snake and ended up in the snake's stomach.


This incident happened next to a swamp in Queensland, Australia. The local residents saw this incident, some of them took some pictures with interest. One of them was author Tiffany Corliss. He captures these images on his camera.


Both the hungry crocodile and the snake roamed the swamp in search of food. Then the snake and the crocodile meet. The battle of who will defeat and eat whom begins. Finally the snake twists the crocodile to death and then brings it up from the water and strangles it.


According to Tiffany Corliss, the crocodile tried to bite the snake's neck, but was eventually defeated by the snake. The snake twists the crocodile with its tail as it tries to bite the snake's neck. As the snake slowly twists the crocodile's entire body, the crocodile has no choice but to give up.


The crocodile finally tries hard to break free from the snake's grip. As the snake slowly gains the ability to fully enthrall the crocodile, it exploits the snake and kills the crocodile. The snake brought the crocodile to the ground and swallowed it whole. And this is how the fight between python and crocodile ends.

Now watch the full incident in the video-

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