The Dhaka Times Desk One of the problems that Apple iPhone and iPad users face with their devices is the accumulation of dirt in the charging port. Today we will see how to fix this problem very easily.
Many people think that their device is broken so there is a problem or it is not charging. Actually it is not. In many cases, due to dirt or dust entering the slot of iPhone or iPad, charging problems may occur in these devices.
Your smartphone is always in your pocket, so dirt accumulates in its case, dust, sand or thread enters its various slots, so the pin does not work properly in those slots. To get rid of these problems, you have to take it to a mechanic. You can easily solve this problem yourself by watching this tutorial.
But first you have to take some precautions that you have to backup all the data of your device on your computer or cloud. After that, follow the procedure shown in the video below, you can easily solve the iPhone charging problem.
This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ১০, ২০১৪ 1:42 pm
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