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Some very simple work but extraordinary work in the eyes of girls!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no exact measure of love but there are certain emotional acts of love that may be nothing to boys but so wonderful to a girl. According to the poets, to get love or to know love. But let's learn about some small acts of love.


1. kiss of love

It is natural that a kiss to your wife must be a kiss of love. Also this kiss will be very sincere. But it remains to be seen how much romance there was in him. Pull your wife closer with a sudden hug from behind. Cup his face with both hands. Stare into his eyes. Feel inside through his eyes. You will see that your wife is also feeling inside you.

2. Play with your hair

You may have woken up in the middle of the night unable to sleep. Your wife always tries to put you to sleep in this case. Make a difference one day, you pat him on the head. Cut the billy in her hair. You will see that you feel good. Let's say you are lying down and your wife's hair falls on your face. Have a little fun with not sweeping, try blowing with a fu.

3. Create an emotional atmosphere

Kneel before him between words in your own alone time. Look down at him and talk. Create a romantic atmosphere. Believe it or not, after a quarrel with your wife, to break her anger, try to break her anger by sitting like this and see how quickly her anger breaks.

4. Stand out in the crowd

You may have gone shopping and you may have been in the middle of a huge crowd. Hold on to your wife and try to keep her path as uncrowded as possible. Don't worry about who thinks what, see what your wife thinks. From this he will understand that you are by his side in all situations of life.

5. small gift

Let's think that he came home in monsoon rain. Ekadam flower in hand. He saw it on the street and thought it was beautiful, so he brought it and told him. He might throw a makey rage. But he will be very happy in his heart. There is no such thing as a gift that is too big to give the person you love. Any gift you give in love will be a great gift to him.

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