The Dhaka Times
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The python devoured the whole man; Real or rumour?

The Dhaka Times Desk Among the world's largest snakes are pythons and anacondas. People have eaten the news discussed in the media in the last few days. But there are questions about the authenticity of this news. Let's check what happened…


A huge python has been found on the coast of Malaysia in Thailand, which is considered to be the world's largest python. However, Southeast Asia is known as a snake sanctuary. And that particular place in Thailand is full of snakes.


This huge python suddenly entered a room at night. The residents of that house were terrified to see this huge snake. They see that the snake has eaten something huge. Due to which it cannot move properly.
Now the question is what the python played? Did it eat a man?


Different stories have been circulated about pythons eating humans. One of them was a drunken man lying on the road. In that situation the python ate him. This is reported by Karl Attapadei news site. But the real story is that the snake is found on the road. Later people kept it safely outside the city.


In another, a security guard is said to have been eaten by a python. But the snake shown in the picture is the African Rock Python. which is found only in Africa. No way it can be found in Thailand.

As snakes grow in size, their food requirements also increase. It can become aggressive if food is not available. But no matter how big a python is, it cannot afford to eat a full grown human. Due to the broad shoulders of humans, hunching is not possible. But if the human figure is small and the python is huge, then it can be possible.

Back to the real story. The world's largest python found in Thailand had wounds in several places on its body. Later, however, the snake died. Although it is said to have died by itself, a human may have killed it. Later, the stomach was cut open to reveal that the python had actually been eaten by a large pig.

Watch the video…

Reference: epicadamwildlife

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