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One dead person can save seven lives

The Dhaka Times Desk People for people, life for life. Not only does a man benefit others during his lifetime, but in the modern age, thanks to the grace of science, even after death, a man can save several other mortals. It is said that one dead person can save seven lives.


The number of patients with liver, kidney, heart, pancreas is increasing day by day. But the hope is that it is possible to save the affected patient by transplanting these organs. Affected patients also cling to the hope that a suitable organ donor will save his life. But in many cases it doesn't happen.

Decomposition takes place in the human body immediately after death. So fast cremation should be arranged. A person is just a memory. But that body can save 7 mortals from becoming memories by transplanting organs. This is what the expert doctors of Delhi have said. Dr. Sameeran Nandy, a Delhi-based sergeant, says organ donation is easier and less expensive to save lives. Because a life is saved in organ donation, but the donor is not harmed. Because he is dead.

An organ transplant (except kidney) requires the person to be brain dead. However, a kidney can be donated while alive. Even that is very little, especially in the case of close relatives. Heart, liver, lung, kidney, pancreas, small intestine transplants etc. need to maintain blood and oxygen supply. But organ transplantation is not possible due to lack of awareness. The family of the deceased cannot be told about the transplant at that time, and many times they refuse to donate the organ. Sometimes organs are not suitable for transplantation. Although millions of people are affected, less than a thousand transplants are possible due to various reasons.

Some countries like USA, Croatia, Spain etc. have very high organ transplant rates. Croatia transplants 36.5 percent, Spain 35 percent and the United States 26 percent. Compared to that, this rate is much lower in Asian countries. While the US transplants an average of 6,000 livers a year, India transplants only 2,400. It is very small compared to the total population. Although India is the second largest populous country in the world.

Although organ transplantation has started in Bangladesh through advanced technology, it is at a limited stage. The reason can be said to be the lack of knowledge about transplantation among the general public, as well as the fact that doctors are not aware of it. The expansion of cadaveric organ transplantation could save the lives of many patients at a limited cost. Living organ donation often carries the risk of loss of life of the donor.

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