The Dhaka Times
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Living without money is possible!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is possible to live without money. Thinking that you are delusional, not really, as Ireland's Mark Boyle has shown. Boyle has neither earned nor spent a single penny in the last 15 months. Wondering how he did it? So let's hear that story.


Seven years ago today, Mark Boyle graduated from a university with a Business and Economics degree. And his life plan was like ten boys. As planned, he landed a job with a large organic food company soon after graduating. His life was going well. He was also enjoying his job at an organic food company. Sometimes doing expensive shopping as you want, going out with friends whenever you want. His mind accepted life as enjoyment. But suddenly his life took a different turn.


Even in the midst of this enjoyable life, when he reads the news of war in the paper or newspaper or sees the war idols of different places on TV, then his mind gets poisoned. So the philosopher sometimes talks about these things with his friends. Once a friend told him about Gandhi's life. He was so fascinated by listening to Gandhi's stories that he collected all the videos, books on Gandhi's life story. While reading the life story of Gandhi, you can understand that the main problem in life is money. Money and wealth have robbed man of his humanity. So he wonders if it is possible to create a life where there will be no money or the lure of money. After some time he realizes that such a life is possible because this is how the walk of human life began. And when they rushed towards society, civilization then came the matter of money and wealth. Mark Boyle said about this, nature has provided us with all the necessities of life, we just need to know how to use them properly. Only then we can survive only depending on nature. Mark Boyle lives in a caravan, using a bicycle to commute. He grows his own food on a field in front of the caravan. Bathed in the river. Light is created with beeswax. He kept the food waste as fertilizer for his cultivation.

Many initially said he could not survive long without money. But he managed to pass these 15 months effortlessly and he is quite happy. "I miss traffic jams, depression, depression, suicidal thoughts and anxiety," he joked.

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