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Penalty for buying sex in exchange for money!

The Dhaka Times Desk Penalty for buying sex in exchange for money! A similar law has been passed in France. According to the new law, a fine of up to 3 thousand 750 euros or about 4 lakh taka can be imposed against those buyers or clients who take the services of a sex worker.

sex in exchange for money

Such problems exist in different countries of the world. There are no restrictions on sex trade in other countries except Muslim countries including Bangladesh. However, this time France passed such a law and signed the line of exceptions. According to the law, if sex is bought in exchange for money, legal action will be taken against the person taking the service, not the sex worker. It has been reported that these convicts will also have to attend compulsory classes on various problems of sex workers.

The law treats more than 30,000 sex workers living in France not as criminals, but as victims. In the earlier law, action was taken against sex workers in such incidents. But now it is not against the workers, but against their customers, the provision has been made to take action.

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A member of parliament who voted in favor of the bill told the BBC that the purpose of the law is to give sex workers who want to leave the profession the opportunity to do so. Because it will help against human traffickers.

It should be noted that although the initiative to pass this law was taken 2 years ago, it did not see the light of day due to the difference between the 2 chambers of the Parliament. A group of sex workers staged a rally outside parliament against the law. Their handwritten banners read, 'I don't need to be freed, I can take care of myself.'

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