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Asthma is the main medicine of Akanda leaves!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us neglect the leaves of trees and plants. These plants benefit us in many ways. One such disease is Asthma in which Acacia leaves are more effective than drugs.

Ash leaves

People of rural Bengal use akanda leaves for asthma and respiratory diseases. According to Ayurvedarya Sivakali Bhattracharya, the square in the middle of the 14 Akanda flowers should be taken. Along with that, 21 chilies should be mixed together to make 21 pills. Taking 1 pill with water every morning relieves asthma. While taking this medicine only milk and rice should be consumed as food. It relieves shortness of breath.

Asthma is alleviated by drying and crushing the bark of the root of Akanda tree, wrapping it with Akanda gum and making it like a beedi.

Apart from asthma, other properties of Akanda leaves:

# In addition to asthma, Akanda leaves as a medicine help in acne breakouts. If you squeeze the pimple with akanda leaf and tie it, the pimple will burst.

# leaves are used to reduce the burning sensation caused by tick bites.

# If there is an infected wound in any part of the body, the area should be washed with boiled water. It does not produce pus.

# If a cold settles in the chest, good old ghee should be applied to the chest. Akande leaves are warmed on the chest smeared with ghee and cold is cured.

# In case of scabies or eczema, mix four times mustard oil with Akande gum and heat it. Mix raw turmeric juice with this hot oil and apply it on the skin.

# Hot poultice with this plant leaves relieves pain in severe pain due to sprained leg.

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