The Dhaka Times
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Nancy will focus on politics!

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular singer Nancy became the center of discussion after attempting suicide by taking sleeping pills. But this time there are reports that he will focus on politics.

Nancy & politics

Nancy, the singer of this generation, went to her mother's house in Netrakona and tried to commit suicide by taking sleeping pills. From there he was admitted to Mymensingh Medical College Hospital and the next day through Dhaka Medical College to Lab Aid Hospital and treated by Nancy. Now he is recovering and staying at his home.

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After recovering, Nancy avoided suicide. He tried to cover up the matter by giving various arguments that 'I had a headache due to various problems so I took sleeping pills'. However, no matter what happens, he has now expressed the attitude that he will be active in politics again. For the last two days, various news media have been hearing such things.

Many people think that to overcome the negative reactions that have been created across the country regarding the recent suicide issue, Nancy wants to be involved in politics again in addition to singing. However, Nancy did not directly say anything about how to advance in politics. Fans will have to wait a bit for things to clear up.

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