Categories: tutorial

How to Book Train Tickets Online [Tutorial]

The Dhaka Times Desk At present, train journey is preferred by everyone, but due to the influence of brokers and black marketers at the train station, common people do not get tickets. But now digital Bangladesh. The government has already launched e-services with online ticket booking facility. You can easily book train tickets online to travel to some of the major stations in the country.

All you need to book tickets online:

1) An email account

2) Your Nationality Certificate

3) Bank account with online banking enabled

4) Visa, MasterCard, DBBL Nexus Card, Break Bank ATM Card

5) Net connection

6) General concept

এবার আপনি যাত্রা তারিখের টিকেট করতে চলে যান বাংলাদেশ রেল ওয়ের অনলাইন ই-টিকেটিং সার্ভিস ই-সেভার ওয়েব সাইটে। সাইটে যেতে Click here.

When you go to the site, you will see a box at the top corner that says log in and sign up, sign up there with all your necessary information. A verification email will be sent to your given email address from which you have to verify your e-service account. It's over.

Now when you log into the e-service site you will see a dash board with your name address and all the information. This is where all information starting from your ticketing will be stored.

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All the information you make from your account will be stored here in the form of data. From e-services you can check the train schedule to check whether tickets are available on the day of your journey. And you can know the fare of any seat in any train.

If you want to book a ticket, first you will check the price of any ticket from the FARE QUERY RESULT. Now click on the purchase ticket section for the train you want to buy.

Here enter your journey date, departure station name, destination station name, your target seat name and search. A new page will show you what trains will leave your station for the destination station on that day. Enter the seat number of the train you want to take from here and submit.

Now it will show you how much it will cost to buy that ticket and which seat you are getting. From here you will be asked which type of card you will pay for the ticket. Once you have determined your card, submit the ticket with all the card details.

Done, now e-service will tell you your journey date, your seat number and time, also they will tell you how to collect the ticket.

Finally a mail will be sent to your email id with all the details of your ticket, same mail and your phone number, ticket transaction password collect the ticket from the Yatra station at least 30 minutes before departure.

In this way, you can take advantage of Bangladesh Railway train travel without standing in long queues in digital process very easily. Have a safe journey.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৮, ২০১৮ 10:06 am


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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