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A battle to stop a different kind of enemy for Earthlings

The Dhaka Times Desk We fight with ourselves in the world, in many cases we also have to fight with various viruses and bacteria. But this time it is a different kind of war for the inhabitants of the world. This war is cosmic war because we have to fight with two asteroids named '1950 DA' and '2013TV 135'.


NASA has said that there is a risk of collision between the two asteroids in 2032 and 2880. As a result, the world is in the middle of a huge risk. The trajectory of these two asteroids is directly towards the Earth, so if they hit our planet, a large part of the Earth will be destroyed. As it happened in the age of dinosaurs.

Meanwhile, NASA said they have already started working. All famous scientists are assigned to stop these two asteroids. They are analyzing how these two asteroids can be destroyed in the sky before they hit the earth.

Let's know about the two asteroids-

'1950 DA'

'1950 DA' is approaching, the asteroid named '1950 DA' has been terrorizing the people of Earth for a long time. Earth's collision with a dangerous and fast-moving asteroid could wipe out human civilization. However, research is ongoing on how to stop it or destroy it in the sky by attacking it from Earth. However, this asteroid is not hitting the earth so quickly. It will hit Earth on March 16, 2880. As a result, it can hit the earth at a speed of 38 thousand (61 thousand 155 kilometers) per hour. Our future generations will be threatened by this impact.


However, this asteroid is scaring us more, because it can hit our Earth very soon. Researchers say that the asteroid may enter the Earth's orbit within the next 18 years. What can we do in that case? NASA, however, says it is taking measures not to panic. It will approach Earth's orbit on August 26, 2032. It is equivalent in energy to 500 nuclear bombs. And there is a risk that 1 million square miles of Earth will be lost if it hits our Earth.

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