The Dhaka Times Desk কৃত্রিম উপায়ে শরীরের বাইরেই মানবশিশুর জন্ম-প্রক্রিয়া নিয়ে গবেষণায় গবেষকরা দুর্দান্ত সাফল্য পেয়েছে বলে জানিয়েছেন মাদারবোর্ড সংবাদ organization In this process, the baby will be born in a tube like a girl's womb!
Currently, in the surrogacy process, a child is born to a surrogate or surrogate rather than to its real mother, researchers say. It requires the hiring of surrogate mothers separately for those mothers who do not wish to carry their children. But in this new process there is no need to rent a womb.
Meanwhile, researchers are claiming that this method called 'ectogenesis' will become usable by 2034 and from that time it will be possible to give birth to a child by machine. As a result, the infant mortality rate will decrease to a large extent at the same time as the maternal mortality rate during childbirth.
How will a machine baby be born and grow? In response to such questions, the researchers referred to the structure of their invented device, in which the baby embryo will be developed in a special tube. It is there that the child will gradually grow like the mother's womb. The entire device will be filled with fluid and connected to all modern devices with various cables and wires. Among these devices will be food preparation chamber for the baby, separate breathing machine. So far this device has been used to grow bacteria and various animals, but now it will be used for humans.
Meanwhile, with the invention of this machine, many people all over the world are claiming that it is a conspiracy to make people artificial. Human rights organizations say that if a person gives birth to a machine like this, the relationship between mother and child will be destroyed, the child will not be attracted to the family. Love between people will be lost.
However, researchers say that in the current state of this research, it is possible to try to give birth to a baby by machine, but it is still not possible in practice due to some legal and ethical obstacles.
This post was last modified on জুন ২২, ২০১৬ 4:09 pm
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