The Dhaka Times
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Voter can vote online: Policy decision of Election Commission

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no need to go to the election commission to be a voter. You can vote online. The Election Commission has taken a policy decision that the citizens of the country will get the opportunity to register their identity by applying online.


It is said that this decision was approved in the commission meeting yesterday. This application can be made on the Election Commission's website.

A deputy secretary of the EC told the media, 'National Identity Registration Sub-Department is going to conduct a workshop soon with experts from Dhaka University, BUET, Computer Council and BASIS. With the experience gained from this workshop, various services will be provided online to the voters within a few months.


Online services related to National Identity Card include: View Polling Station Information, View Personal Information, Change Address, Change Information, Change Electoral Area, Apply for Reprint etc. There will also be application taking for photograph, signature and other details, application tracking, general inquiries and form download.

The method of becoming a new voter online is EC's own website Eligible voters will go to the prescribed form (Registration Form-2) and enter the information. After saving the data another form will be created like form number 2. Once the form is completed, submit it. Then an SMS will be sent to the applicant's mobile phone.

EC sources also informed that in case of online application, it will be confirmed on mobile number or email address of the concerned applicant or electronically. A date will be fixed for taking biometric features of the applicant after receiving the necessary proofs.

National identity cards can be obtained free of charge for the first time, but fees are payable on subsequent renewals and loss. The general fee for renewal is Rs. Which will be available within 30 days of application. If one wants to get it on urgent basis then it can be renewed within one week by paying double fee i.e. 500 rupees in urgent case.

Again, if the identity card is lost or destroyed, the first time application to get the identity card will be from 500 taka to 1 thousand taka. In case of second time application from 1000 taka to 2000 taka and to apply for any subsequent time 2000 taka in normal time and 4000 taka in emergency.

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