The Dhaka Times
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Flood water has started entering the capital

The Dhaka Times Desk The flood situation across the country remains unchanged. Meanwhile, flood water has started entering the capital. On Monday around noon yesterday, a connecting road was broken and the water of the nearby Balu river entered the Sheikh's place in Basabor Mothertake of the city.

Flood begun

Floodwaters across the country are flowing above danger levels. Various areas are being flooded again. After the flood situation across the country, flood water has started entering the capital. Yesterday on Monday around noon, a connecting road suddenly broke and flood water entered Sheikh's place in Basabor Mothertake of the city. Later in the evening, the river water reached the danger level. About 3000 families of that area have been panicked. Meanwhile, it is reported that no initiative has been taken to repair the broken link road till night. Water Development Board's Flood Forecasting and Warning Center said that the water level of rivers and streams adjacent to Dhaka city may increase further in the next 72 hours.

It is known that water is entering the area of Sheikh's place due to the breaking of the connecting road. If the fast link road is not repaired, there is a risk of inundation of the entire MotherTech area. According to the locals, around 1.30 pm, this link road was broken by the water of Balu river. The fish cages in the area are being washed away due to the breaking of water. Currently, the residents of that area are in extreme fear.

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