The Dhaka Times
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Snake scare: Half a hundred people were bitten in 2 days in Meherpur

The Dhaka Times Desk About half a hundred men and women were bitten by snakes in Madnadanga village of Meherpur Sadar Upazila in 2 days. Panic has spread in the area about this matter.

Snakes sting

In Meherpur, more than half a hundred men and women were bitten by snakes, the people of the village are suffering from snake fear. People take turns sleeping in their houses at night to guard against the fear of snakes. Many people have started making amulets and charms at home again. Someone has brought Ojha again and is barricading around the house.

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It is known that the snakes that have bitten are poisonous even if they are babies. And so due to the snake bite, the local snake king treated Jolly Khatun, daughter of Azim Uddin of Madnadanga village by amputating her leg. Jolly Khatun was cooking at home last Sunday afternoon. At that time suddenly a baby snake bit him. Local Ojha Abdul Mannan was informed and poisoned. Till Sunday and Monday evening, Chumki, Jasim, Kakali, Huda, Begum, Shampa, Babita, Shireen, Tariqul, Nargis, Ayesha, Jibannara, Mizan, Jharna, Jewel, Sufia, Alamgir, Habib, Ilyas, Liton, Ashadul, Ashraf and about Half a hundred people have been bitten by snakes. Those bitten were treated with pressure. A team of the district health department also visited the area after receiving the information.
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Snake cut Jolly Khatun

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