The Dhaka Times
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Jamaat leader Saiful was shot dead in Meherpur

The Dhaka Times Desk It has been reported that a Jamaat leader was killed in a friendly fight with the police in Meherpur.


According to the media, this incident happened late Monday night. In this incident, District Jamaat Assistant Secretary Tariq Mohammad Saiful Islam (36), son of Ameer Chamir Uddin of Meherpur District Jamaat, is said to have been killed in a 'gunfight' with the police.

It is known that when Saiful Islam was brought to Meherpur General Hospital late on Monday night, he was declared dead by the doctor in charge of the emergency department, Abul Kashem. Hospital sources have confirmed to the media that the body of the deceased Jamaat leader has several bullet marks. However, nothing is known about where and how the shootings took place until the writing of this report.

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